Holistic Medicine near Encinitas, CA

Beyond Holistic Medicine for Your Whole Body

It’s no secret that California has some of the highest beauty standards in the world, but few actually know the secret to the best natural beauty in the Golden State. Biology is at the core of everything beautiful on the West Coast. So when building your ideal look, Beyond Body looks within by combining cutting-edge technology with ancient holistic medicine near Encinitas.

Holistic Medicine From Head to Toe

To unlock a higher echelon of beauty, we focus on tapping into your biology from head to toe. Our approach to holistic medicine near Encinitas may differ from other practices, but our patients are living proof that the key to better beauty is feeling your best! Skip the scalpels, silicon, and silly injections, and start building your beauty better from the inside out.

Wellness Begins Within

To begin minding your looks, take a look within with us and say what you see. That’s how simple it is to begin your holistic medicine journey! Our holistic approach combines the best of ancient therapies, with modern advancements in wellness.

Acupuncture works alongside your natural biological pathways to stimulate specific points and increase healing throughout your body! Though needles are used for this therapy, our skilled hands only insert them about a fraction of an inch deep ensuring relief in total comfort! With years of practice, Natasha Reiss L.Ac is one of the most well respected licensed acupuncturists in California! 

Pain relief is one of the most common reasons patients seek our help using holistic medicine near Encinitas. By combining the benefits of Avacen and Vibragenix, our practice uses advanced techniques to improve your body and reduce pain from arthritis, workouts, or just daily life! To take your pain relief to the next level, we look within to treat the core of your concerns. 

Elevated Mindfulness

Building your better beauty means nothing without improving your brain! That’s why our holistic medicine practice near Encinitas incorporates options like sound and light therapy alongside CellGym oxygen therapy. BrainTap uses specialized sound and light to foster better mental pathways while pure oxygen improves circulation, cognition, and more key benefits!



CellGym uses the benefits of pure oxygen to stimulate better blood flow, which fosters healthier cognition, metabolic health, and more amazing benefits! Staying mindful is a cornerstone of holistic medicine around Encinitas, so why not make sure your mind is a healthy place to ponder and meditate?

The Core of Your Concerns

If you haven’t noticed by now, Beyond Body focuses on getting to the core of your concerns first. Better circulation leads to better brain function and a whole lot more! That’s why we carefully select every treatment to exceed our patient’s needs. 

Gut Health

One of the major hurdles many of our patients experience is poor gut health. This can affect everything from your sleep, diet, and daily habits. So to bring a holistic approach to medicine near Encinitas, we’re bagging up all the vitamins and nutrients our community needs! IV drips are a great way to boost everything from your mental focus to your metabolic health. To learn how we can customize your unique IV treatment, check out our related reading!

Your Best Is in the Bag


Pelvic Problems

To bring your most important pelvic muscles up to 100% there’s only one solution that doesn’t involve breaking a sweat! Emsella is the easy, 30-minute solution the holistic wellness scene around Encinitas has been waiting for! Natasha Reiss L.Ac, has spent hours in the sky and in traffic to try the best treatments for her own health. Now, she’s proud to share the benefits of this truly transformative treatment with the community she loves so much. 

Learn how our patients can live life at 100% with our related reading!

Life at 100% Hydration

The Holistic Medicine Package

Not only has Natasha experienced every treatment she trusts, alongside her partner in wellness Dr. Guillermo Castillo, she also continues to build Beyond Body into the most advanced holistic medicine practice near Encinitas. We’ve become a destination for patients from all walks of life, because here, you get the whole package. 



To build your unique plan for total wellness, we begin with an in-depth consultation to go over your most pressing concerns and prescribe the best battery of initial treatments to help you feel and look better than ever! We’ll go over your medical history, get to know each other, and answer questions to make sure you’re ready to experience some impactful improvements!

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Improving Every Day

That’s our commitment to our community, and the essence of holistic medicine near Encincitas. This community is recognized for our health and vitality, so why spend one more day feeling less than your best? Schedule your initial appointment today to talk one on one with California’s most caring team!

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