Detox Near San Diego

How San Diego Does Detoxing

From dramatic recoveries to seasonal disease prevention, getting toxins out of your body is essential for everyone to live a healthier, happier life. To keep the Golden State golden, Beyond Body is here with the best options to detox near San Diego! Regardless of why you come through our door, we welcome everyone with a holistic approach to wellness. By combining ancient wisdom and advanced therapies, our practice helps you create a life you’ll enjoy living!

Ready to see how? Contact us to learn from our team, or keep reading to unlock a higher level of understanding about your body and our options!

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Why Detox?

So, why do you need to detox? Our specialists know! Natasha Reiss and Dr. Guillermo Castillo are the dynamic duo specializing in the most advanced detox near San Diego. But they’re also people who face the same challenges we all do every day!

Pollutants, disease, and toxins fill the air everywhere you go. Even in our idyllic location in La Jolla, we’re exposed to everyday detriments to our health. But that doesn’t mean you have to let them stick around! You can’t live in a completely sanitized world, but you can detox naturally with healthy habits and immunity-boosting options from Beyond Body.

To learn the top 3 ways to naturally detox, check out our helpful read!

3 Ways to Improve Your Immune System

Detoxing With Beyond Body

When you come to our wellness center, the treatment plan we create for you is just as unique as you are. That’s why we always start with a thorough consultation before drawing any conclusions! We take the time to get to know your true biology, lifestyle, and mentality, because all of these factors tie into the success of your treatment! 

After going over your medical history and getting to know you as a person, we may recommend HOCATT as part of your plan if a detox could benefit your overall health and wellness.

  • Heat

With HOCATT, we empower your body’s natural detoxification process by heating things up with far infrared rays alongside direct oxygen! This increases your circulation while relaxing your muscles, resulting in healthier blood flow and oxygenation that jump-starts your natural processes. Your body will sweat out the toxins, helping you feel better from the inside out. 

  • Steam

While this may sound like your typical sauna treatment, HOCATT is anything but typical! Targeted steam infused with essential oils helps your body relax as you expel toxins through your sweat. This dual-action approach works for both your brain and body. After all, effective detoxing should be restorative for both your mentality and biology!  

  • Ozone

To provide lasting detoxification that goes beyond the treatment room, HOCATT uses the power of ozone. This addition promotes oxygenation to improve cellular function and your metabolism, helping your body break down toxins. With better circulation, cellular function, and relaxation of the body and mind, this is natural detoxification at its finest!

  • Biohacking

Alongside natural detoxification, we can introduce microcurrents in the HOCATT. We can tune these settings for general detoxification, inflammation, lymph detoxification, and toxin elimination. If there is a specific area of concern, we can also cater treatment for concerns like eczema, edema, joint pain, inflammation, and over 100 more!

To further your biohacking benefits, HOCATT includes high-intensity PEMF (pulsed electro-magnetic fields) to further reduce inflammation and augment the microcurrents. Both PEMF and your chosen frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) work in tandem to thoroughly remove troubling toxins throughout your body. This is one of the most in-depth protocols to detox near San Diego!   

a Beyond Body specialists discusses our HOCATT protocol for detoxing near San Diego with a patient.


Out With the Old

So, what can you get rid of with HOCATT? Bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and other detrimental disease-causing factors can attach to your body at any moment. This isn’t something your trusty sanitizer bottle can solve, either! Protective measures may prevent some contact with these contaminants, but nothing is as effective as natural detoxification!

That’s because when we get sick or have a persistent cough, there is an increase in phlegm. The dead bacteria, mold, and other substances trapped in this phlegm clog the respiratory system and slow down natural detoxification. Your body will spend quite a lot of energy cleaning the debris with blocked airways. Simply put, with less oxygen, your body will struggle to fight off infections! 

To help your body produce energy and defend against pathogens, you can naturally boost circulation with heat and steam. This is very similar to feeling better after a hot shower when you feel sick, but the effects go much further. With more oxygen, your body can produce more energy. Thanks to improved circulation, your body will also move nutrients and toxins throughout the body effectively. 

In With the New

Any detox near San Diego requires energy, but it’s hard for your body to expel toxins when it doesn’t have the resources. When we aren’t well and can’t exercise, it’s hard to engage the healing aspects of sweating. That’s why your body resorts to a fever when fighting a sickness. If you’re not able to expel toxins through natural processes, where can that energy come from?

Enter HOCATT! By promoting sweat and introducing controlled microcurrents, this therapy opens the pores and aids the body in releasing pathogens. Even if you don’t have the energy, HOCATT helps the body without feeding pathogens. This therapy improves healthy function by increasing energy and circulation. As it feeds the body oxygen and ozone as an antioxidant, your body also absorbs microcurrents specific to your unique needs. 

With optimized circulation and oxygenation, your body uses your skin, respiratory system, and GI tract to naturally expel toxins, utilizing every pathway to effectively clear out what needs to go. All of this is driven by hydration, which is why we recommend drinking plenty of quality water before and after every HOCATT treatment!


Healthier with HOCATT

Now that you know the basic principles behind HOCATT, you’re probably wondering what your experience will be like! While this therapy helps you naturally sweat out toxins like a typical sauna, the similarities end there. In under an hour, you can experience a new level of detox near San Diego with Beyond Body. Here’s how it works.

Getting Comfortable

Each HOCATT session is just as simple as it is effective. That’s because all you have to do is check in, get in, and relax. As you get completely comfortable, we’ll tuck a cape around your neck, turn the settings to your individual needs, and start your treatment on lower settings to help you adjust to the higher ozone levels.

Heating Up

As your body acclimates to the enhanced level of ozone, steam and far infrared rays (FIR) warm your body, starting from your feet to the lower and middle parts of your back. That steam and heat opens your pores, which helps your body naturally release trapped toxins. Your open pores allow for the infused CO2 to create carbonic acid throughout your body, promoting natural oxygenation. With optimal absorption and circulation, this oxygen cycle maximizes your detox near San Diego, delivering ample benefits along the way!

Reaping the Rewards

In your relaxed state, it’s perfectly normal to need about 10 minutes to regain confident alertness again. Through optimized oxygen and circulatory cycles, you’ll naturally improve how your body heals, handles nutrients, and metabolizes water and food. You’ll likely feel sharper, healthier, and have more energy for up to 4 weeks after your initial treatment. However, we always recommend regular follow-ups to compound your results even further!

Empowering the New You

To empower the results of your HOCATT session, we have other incredible options to boost your body and brain beyond the norm. Alongside optimized exercise and nutrition, the following includes some of the most effective ways to improve your cognition, relieve pain, and so much more. Talk to our team about adding these options to your detox near San Diego!

a patient enjoys IV therapy for detoxing near San Diego


With IV Therapy

With every HOCATT session, you’re creating the best environment to take your natural nutrient levels to new heights! For the fastest, most effective way to absorb optimal vitamins, minerals, and more, we recommend customized intravenous therapy. In just 30 minutes, you can naturally fight off fatigue, brain fog, depression, and so much more. Optimized hydration, better function, and fewer toxins all come together to shape the future of your wellness.

With Acupuncture

We draw inspiration from the centuries-old techniques of acupuncture as well! Natasha Reiss, LAC, combines the best of both advanced Western wellness and ancient Eastern alternative medicine to heal the mind and body simultaneously. This combination works alongside your body’s natural biochemical pathways to painlessly promote total healing throughout your body. 

Feeling Better Yet?

If you’re not feeling your best, Beyond Body would like a few minutes of your time! There are so many ways our integrative detox near San Diego can improve your look, feel, and function. So why wait any longer to feel better than ever? Talk to our team in person to personalize your treatment plan, or start your path to progress online with our treatment planning tool!

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